My Life As A Dad...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ear Tubes, Allergys and Attitude

Last week my five year old sons doctor said that he wants to put tubes in my sons ears to help with the fluid backed up in his inner ear. The reason for the fluid backup may be an allergic reaction to wheat or dairy, so my wife and I have placed him on a wheat free, dairy free, corn free, sugar free diet. Hopefully he will get better after the diet change and won't need this surgery which could cause hearing loss.

My anxiety about this whole thing is through the roof.

Tubes in my sons ears? Lifetime hearing loss? Not to mention the fact that his hearing is now compromised due to the stuck fluid in his ears. I am constantly remembering every time I got upset with him for "not listening", and each time I said to him "I know you heard me!". I feel more like an ass than a dad lately. But kids are resilient. His attitude shows it when he says things like: "Just get over it dad" and "chill out". OK, I am trying...